Ciocolata neagra si rom, cum sa nu iti placa? Este prima data cand incerc combinatia asta in eclere, si deja sunt fana. Pe langa parfumul de rom, chiar se simte alcoolul, asa ca aveti grija cu ele :)
Aluat choux
- 75 ml lapte;
- 75 ml apa;
- 75 g unt;
- un praf de sare;
- 1 lingurita de zahar;
- 110 g faina;
- 3 oua;
Intr-o craticioara am pus apa, laptele, zaharul, sarea si untul, pe foc mic. Dupa ce s-a topit untul am dat focul la maxim pana a dat in clocot, apoi am luat craticioara de pe foc si am adaugat toata faina odata, amestecand energic. Dupa ce am incorporat faina, am readus amestecul pe foc mic si am mai gatit pana ce aluatul lasa o pelicula subtire pe vas. Apoi am transferat aluatul intr-un bol si l-am lasat sa se raceasca 10 minute.
Apoi am inceput sa incorporez ouale treptat, mixand bine dupa fiecare. Am pus aluatul intr-un posh cu dui zimtat si am format eclerele, lasand spatiu intre ele.
Le-am copt la 180 de grade pentru 40 de minute si apoi inca 15 minute la 150 de grade.
Crema este partea mea preferata. De obicei le fac cu vanilie, ca toata lumea, dar combina asta este deja preferata mea.
Intai am mixat 3 oua cu 100 de grame de zahar, pana si-a dublat volumul. Apoi am adaugat 3 linguri de cacao neagra si am omogenizat. Am adaugat 50 de ml de rom, 100 ml de lapte, 3 linguri de faina si am mixat bine. Am transferat amestecul intr-o craticioara, l-am pus pe foc pe baie de aburi, si am amestecat continuu pana s-a ingrosat. Dupa ce a inceput sa se ingroase, am amestecat energic cu telul.
Am umplut eclerele dupa ce s-a racit crema.
Deasupra am folosit o glazura oglinda de ciocolata neagra, pentru care am folosit
- 100 g ciocolata neagra;
- 50 ml apa;
- 100 g glucoza lichida;
- 70 ml lapte condensat;
- 100 g zahar tos;
- 8 g gelatina granule;
- 30 ml apa rece;
Intr-un bol inalt (pentru blender vertical) am pus ciocolata bucati si laptele condensat si am dat deoparte.
Separat, am pus gelatina la hidratat in 30 de ml de apa rece.
Intr-o craticioara am combinat 50 ml de apa, cu glucoza, zaharul si am dat in clocot. Am oprit focul si am adaugat gelatina, apoi am turnat amestecul peste ciocolata si lapte condensat. Am omogenizat bine cu blender-ul vertical, apoi am lasat glazura sa se raceasca. Am folosit-o peste eclere la 40 de grade.
Sunt geniale!
This is the first time when I'm making this recipe. So, from now on, these boozy eclairs are my favorite.
Choux dough
- 75 ml milk;
- 75 ml water;
- 75 g butter;
- 1 teaspoon of sugar;
- a pinch of salt;
- 110 g flour;
- 3 eggs;
Combine the water, milk, salt, sugar and butter and place on low heat. After the butter is completely melted, raise the temperature and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add the flour, all at once, and whisk fast until the flour is combined. After that, place again the pot on the heat and cook for another few minutes, stirring continuously, until it starts sticking to the pot.
Transfer the dough in a mixing bowl and let it cook for few minutes. After that, add the eggs, one by one, mixing well after each.
Using a pastry bag make the eclairs and leave some space between.
Bake the eclairs for 40 minutes at 180 degrees, then lower the heat to 150 and bake for another 15 minutes.
The cream is my favorite part, because it's boozy, with dark cocoa, amazing!
Mix 3 eggs with 100 g of sugar, until creamy. Then add 3 tablespoons of dark powdered cocoa and mix well. Add 50 ml of rum, 100 ml of milk and 3 tablespoons of flour. Mix until well combined, then cook on bain-marie until it thickens. It's very important to stir almost continuously.
Fill the eclairs after the cream is cooled.
For the mirror glaze I used:
- 100 g dark chocolate;
- 50 ml water;
- 100 g of liquid glucose;
- 100 white sugar;
- 70 ml condensed milk;
- 8 g gelatine + 30 ml cold water
First, hydrate the gelatine in 30 ml of water and set aside. Separately, in a mixing bowl, place the chocolate and the condensed milk and set aside.
In a saucepan add 50 ml of water, the white sugar, glucose, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add the gelatine and them pour the mixture onto the chocolate.
Using a hand blender, combine well, then let it cool to 40 degrees. Then you can glaze the eclairs.