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Writer's pictureThe Baker

Coaste intr-un burger / Ribs in a burger


Exista cineva care se bucura de o portie de coaste fara sa se intinda pe toata masa? Platou de coaste, sosuri, salata, si o tona de servetele.

Ta-daa! Am comprimat toate astea intr-un burger de toata gustosenia. In plus, aromele se imbina foarte interesant: carne frageda coapta incet, ceapa caramelizata, sosuri, salata, laolalta sunt dementiale. Cantitatile sunt pentru 3 burgeri.

Cum am preparat coastele?

- am folosit cam 600g de coaste de porc

- un pahar mic de vin sec

- sucul de la o portocala

- anason stelat

- un praf de cardamom

- rozmarin

- pudra de chili

- sare

- un pahar de apa

- 2 linguri de miere

Dupa ce am taiat coastele in bucati de cate 2-3, le-am fript 2 minute in tigaie, pe fiecare parte, dupa care am adaugat mirodeniile si vinul. Dupa 2 minute am adaugat sucul de portocala si am mai lasat pe foc 2-3 minute.

Apoi le-am transferat in tava pentru cuptor, cu tot cu sucul din tigaie si le-am copt la 170 de grade pentru aproximativ 2 ore. Dupa prima jumatate de ora de stat in cuptor, am adaugat un pahar mic de apa. Dupa ce a scazut apa, am pus 2 linguri de miere deasupra si le-am lasat sa se caramelizeze. Sunt gata cand se desprinde carnea usor de pe os.

Cat au stat coastele in cuptor, m-am ocupat de sosuri.

Am inceput cu un sos gorgonzola simplu – am incalzit 100 de ml de smantana grasa pentru gatit, am adaugat 100 de grame de gorgonzola si nucsoara. L-am lasat la foc mic, amestecand continuu pana devine cremos si omogen.

Pentru un boost fresh, am adaugat la burger un sos de portocala, usor acrisor, facut din sucul de la o portocala. L-am pus pe foc mic, am adaugat si putin suc de lime, iar dupa cateva minute am presarat putin amidon. L-am gatit la foc mic pentru 4-5 minute, pana s-a ingrosat putin.

Dupa ce am scos carnea din cuptor, am maruntit fasii cu furculita si am inceput sa asamblez burgerul. Am pus sos gorgonzola, carne frageda din belsug, putin sos de portocala, si final touch – am caramelizat o ceapa rosie, rondele: Am calit-o putin intr-o lingurita de ulei, iar dupa ce a devenit moale, am presarat putin zahar brun si am mai gatit 2-3 minute.

La final, ca sa nu ma simt prea vinovata ca mananc asa bunatate, am pus o mana de rucola.

Saru' mana pentru masa! :)


How to eat pork ribs, improved version – in a delicious burger! The taste is awesome, tons of flavors, pretty addictive!

How to prepare the ribs

- 600 g of pork ribs

- 200 ml dry wine

- juice from 1 orange

- 1-star anise

- a pinch of cardamom

- rosemary

- chili powder

- salt

- 200 ml water

- 2 tablespoons of honey

Fry the ribs into the pan for 2-3 minutes, then add the spices and the wine. After other 2 minutes add the orange juice and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Transfer the pan content (including the juices) into an oven tray and cook at 170 for about 2 hours. After the first 30 minutes, add the water.

When the ribs are almost ready, add the honey. You will have some sticky, tender, delicious ribs.

In the meantime, prepare the sauces.

For the gorgonzola sauce, place on low heat 100 ml of heavy cream, then add 100 g of gorgonzola and sprinkle some nutmeg. Cook for few minutes, until the sauce is creamy.

To add a fresh touch to the burger, make an orange sauce. Place on low heat the juice squeezed from an orange, add some lime juice and then sprinkle some cornstarch. Stir continuously until the sauce thickens.

What more can you add to your burger to make it even more delicious? Some caramelized onion. Slice a red onion, fry the rings for 2 minutes, until tender. Then sprinkle some brown sugar and cook for 3 more minutes.

Now let's establish the burger layers: Gorgonzola sauce, tender pork ribs meat, orange sauce, caramelized onion and some rocket salad. We just made the perfect burger, enjoy to the fullest!

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