Îmi plac mult bomboanele Raffaello si niciodata nu ajunge o singura cutie. Asa ca m-am gândit sa reproduc reteta. Este foarte simpla si nu necesita multe ingrediente.
Portii: 25
Timp de preparare: 20 min;
- 150 g zahar alb;
- 150 g unt;
- 150 g lapte praf;
- 200 g fulgi de cocos;
- 1/2 pahar de suc de lamâie;
- 1 cana alune prajite nesarate;
Mod de preparare
Punem untul la topit la foc mic, peste care adaugam zaharul si amestecam constant. Dupa ce s-a topit zaharul, oprim focul si încorporam laptele praf împreuna cu sucul de lamâie. Acum adaugam 150 de grame de fulgi de cocos, iar restul pastram pentru decor. Amestecam bine, pâna avem un amestec omogen, ce poate fi modelat uaor.
Formam bile de marimea unei nuci, inseram câte o aluna si decoram cu fulgi de cocos.
Se dau la rece.
I love Raffaello and a box is never enough. So I thought to reproduce the recipe. It's really simple and you need only a few ingredients.
Servings: 25
Timing: 20 min
- 150 g butter;
- 150 g white sugar;
- 150 g powdered milk;
- 200 g coconut flakes;
- 1/2 cups of lemon juice;
- 1 cup roasted hazelnuts;
First, melt the butter and add the sugar on low heat. When the sugar is melted, turn off the heat, and stir in the powdered milk together with the lemon juice. Then add 150 grams of coconut flakes and mix well. Mold "dough" balls and insert one hazelnut and dust with coconut flakes.
Refrigerate for at least 10 minutes before serving.